Check out “Family-based weight stigma and psychosocial health: A multinational comparison” which has just been published in Obesity! Continue reading
Author: Benton Renley
New Paper Alert: Amphetamine use and its associations with antiretroviral adherence and viral load among sexual minority men and transgender women living with HIV
Amphetamine use and its associations with antiretroviral adherence and viral load among sexual minority men and transgender women living with HIV has just been published in AIDS Care! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: Adolescent substance use at the intersections of foster care, sexual orientation and gender identity, racial/ethnic identity, and sex assigned at birth
Check out “Adolescent substance use at the intersections of foster care, sexual orientation and gender identity, racial/ethnic identity, and sex assigned at birth” which has just been published in Child Abuse & Neglect! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: Intersectional microaggressions, depressive symptoms, and the role of LGBTQ-specific parental support in a sample of Latinx sexual and gender minority youth
Intersectional microaggressions, depressive symptoms, and the role of LGBTQ-specific parental support in a sample of Latinx sexual and gender minority youth has just been published in Journal of Adolescence! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: Measurement Equivalence of family acceptance/rejection among sexual and gender minority youth by disclosure status
Check out “Measurement Equivalence of family acceptance/rejection among sexual and gender minority youth by disclosure status” which has been published in Journal of Family Psychology! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: PrEP access affected by COVID-19 is associated with increased odds of HIV seroconversion
PrEP access affected by COVID-19 is associated with increased odds of HIV seroconversion has been published in Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: “This is real, this is the way that things are”: Hooking up as a pathway for sexual identity development among SGM emerging adults
Check out “This is real, this is the way that things are”: Hooking up as a pathway for sexual identity development among SGM emerging adults which has been published in Emerging Adulthood! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: Effects of sexual and gender minority stress on depressive symptoms among adolescents of color in the United States
Effects of sexual and gender minority stress on depressive symptoms among adolescents of color in the United States has just been published in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology! Continue reading
New Paper Alert: Substance use and healthcare utilization across the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) care cascade among black and latino men who have sex with men
“Substance use and healthcare utilization across the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) care cascade among black and latino men who have sex with men” has just been published in Substance Use & Misuse!
New Paper Alert: Parental support, depressive symptoms, and LGBTQ adolescents: Main and moderation effects in a diverse sample
Check out “Parental support, depressive symptoms, and LGBTQ adolescents: Main and moderation effects in a diverse sample” which has just been published in Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology! Continue reading